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Teens/High School

LCMS Youth Ministry has defined Seven Healthy Practices of Youth Ministry which identifies both congregational practices as well as desired outcomes for young people.

Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

Euthanasia, commonly known as assisted suicide, is the decision to intentionally cause the death of a person who is ill. Christians care for everyone and provide mercy throughout all of life including during illness and suffering.

Supporting LCMS Mission

At the LCMS there are many ways to make a lasting impact whether through prayer, acts of kindness, volunteering, or financial blessings.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a specialized Christian education program that’s an opportunity for children, parents and volunteers to study God’s Word together and grow as disciples of Jesus.

Outreach Ideas

Outreach today calls for us to be innovative and creative. A congregation can determine outreach ideas that might be effective in their context.

Outreach Process and Tools

There are many ways a congregation can plan outreach efforts. Whichever process is used, it should be clear, concise, and take the perspective of nonchurched people into consideration.

Home Schooling

Homeschooling is another option for parents/guardians to consider for the education of their children, incorporating family values and religious education at home.

Sunday School

Regardless of size or context, Sunday School can be a valuable cornerstone of your congregation’s Christian Education program.

Personal Stewardship

The key to understanding your personal stewardship in a Biblical manner is to understand where stewardship belongs within the Christian message: as one aspect of the doctrine of vocation.