Infirmed, Elderly & Disabled

People who are infirm, disabled or elderly are sometimes less likely to be in worship and participate in the life of the congregation because of physical and attitudinal barriers, concerns about rejection or neglect, or the simple fact that people have not asked them to participate in worship, Bible study, fellowship and service.

Jesus wants His church to have open doors, welcoming all people to worship. And people who are infirm, disabled or elderly long to be connected to the Body of Christ. They have gifts and talents to share. There are many resources that can help you welcome all people to worship and in the life of Christ’s Church— regardless of physical, mental or developmental ability.


Resources Available

LCMS Disability Task Force Resources

The LCMS task force that addressed ministry to people with disabilities assembled a variety of resources that can be used to increase awareness in a congregational setting.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission Webinar: Ministry with People with Disabilities

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Deaconess Kimberly Trombley of Bethesda Ministries presents a free webinar titled “Ministry with People With Disabilities.” Trombley, who is Bethesda’s Vice President of Religious Life, shares practical ways to include people with disabilities in your congregation.

More Information

See Also


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