Starting a School

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

A school ministry for families with children is another opportunity to share the message of the Gospel. Christians are to be in the business of disciple-making: baptizing and teaching in Jesus’ name. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19–20).

Congregations may already have programs and activities for children that lead to disciple-making of all ages that include infants, young children, and elementary through high school. Resources are available to assist congregations who wish to expand current education ministries as well as begin new ministries.


Resources Available

Governing Board Resource for Lutheran Schools (2017 Edition)

The Governing Board Resource for Lutheran Schools is a practical guide designed to support the school administrator and the governing authority with leading a Lutheran school. Governance models, roles, and responsibilities of the school leaders and the governing authority are explored. The governing resource is a tool that can be used as a professional development tool. Each chapter addresses timely topics in school governance with reflection questions that assist church and school ministry teams with self-assessment and tools for improvement. 

In His Hands

In His Hands is a manual intended for leaders and board members of early childhood programs that are freestanding or associated with a Lutheran elementary school. This valuable resource provides direction as new programs are developed as well as support for existing centers in the operation and management of excellent early childhood programs. Additionally, a collection of 22 handouts and fillable forms referenced in the manual, and designed to be adapted for use in centers, is included in the downloadable PDF document. The In His Hands resource is available as both a FREE downloadable PDF as well as a hard-copy, soft-cover book for purchase through

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