Witnessing (Individual Evangelism)

Witnessing, also called evangelism, is the work of individual Christians to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people in their everyday lives. Witnessing resources are designed to equip Lutherans to be more active and effective witnesses of Jesus in their various vocations. Resources focus on witnessing in the context of the relationships people already have rather than on engaging strangers or creating artificial relationships.


Resources Available

The main resource for witnessing provided by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is the Every One His Witness Lutheran evangelism program, which can be ordered through Concordia Publishing House. Participants learn: What is witnessing? Why do we witness? And the “how-to” of witnessing using the LASSIE approach: Listen, Ask, Seek, Share, Invite, and Encourage.

This program takes place in two parts: First, an on-site core module training is led by a local leader. Second, attendees are invited to join the context module training website to dive deeper into witnessing in specific contexts.

Every One His Witness Introductory Video

A short video that introduces the main ideas of the Every One His Witness Core Module.

Every One His Witness Informational Brochure

This brochure provides a brief overview of Every One His Witness. It is suitable for printing and sharing with leaders and members of a congregation who may be interested in participating in an Every One His Witness workshop and for promoting a workshop when one is scheduled.

Every One His Witness core module kit

Every One His Witness Quick Start Guide for Participants

Every One His Witness Workshop Leaders Guide

More Information

See Also


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