Seasonal Resources

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

As the Church proclaims the glory of God through Scripture, we observe an annual cycle of seasons and festivals that invite our congregations to travel with our Lord Jesus Christ through His conception and nativity, His cross and resurrection, His ascension and the pouring out of the Spirit. Through it all, we ponder His teachings and together wait for the fulfillment of His final promise: His glorious Appearing. To help the congregation enter more deeply into the spirit of each of these seasons and days, the following resources are provided.


Resources Available

Hymn of the Day Studies: Word in Song

LCMS Worship provides Hymn of the Day studies for the Lutheran Service Book to use with the Three-Year Lectionary and One-Year Lectionary. The series features seasons of the Church Year — Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.

Seasons Archives

Issues, Etc. archives of discussion on various church year seasons.

Lent Worship Resources

Lenten resources for LCMS pastors and congregations as they prepare to observe this penitential season and reach out to their communities with the Gospel in preparation for Easter.

Propers in Time of Pestilence

Propers in Time of Pestilence includes those parts of the church service that vary from week to week including the Lectionary Summary, Introit, Collect of the Day, Readings, Gradual, and Alleluia Verse.

More Information

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