Helps for Sunday School Teachers

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

Sunday School teachers can be a powerful influence on a young person. Christian education helps young people to study God’s Word, pray, and learn more about who God is and what God has done. Often Sunday School is the most consistent and familiar way in which young people get age appropriate Christian education. Thank you for being willing to serve in this way.  

Sunday School requires more than simply pulling out craft materials and reading through an Arch Book. Sunday School teachers have a variety of things they need to consider including: publicity, curriculum selection, lesson preparation, classroom management, supplies, risk management, and more. This can be overwhelming to start, but over time and with the appropriate supports, Sunday School teachers can help powerfully share the Good News of Jesus each week. Below are some resources that can assist in those tasks.  


Resources Available

Considering Child Abuse and Risk Management

Congregations should help Sunday School teachers to be aware of risk management, including how to care for minors in a way that protects both student and teacher. This page includes links to many resources, including policies and LCMS’ group discount for background checks.  

Sunday School Basics

Sunday School Basics helps you to lead a Sunday School program that is Christ-centered and dynamic, carrying out its intended mission in your church today. This book contains great information about choosing curriculum, special events, and more.  

Sunday School Teacher Must Reads

CPH makes four recommendation for books that might be helpful for any Sunday School teacher. They are a great place to start in learning about classroom management, sharing both Law and Gospel appropriately, and meeting students’ needs.  

Blueprints for Children’s Ministry

This book is more broadly about Children’s Ministry, but it may still be helpful for Sunday School. This useful book offers Scripture-based tools for building children’s ministry in your church. The pages hold definitions, clarity of ministry, and direction.  

KFUO Sunday School Archives

Listen to the archived podcasts on KFUO radio relating to the topic of Sunday School.

Alive Before You Were Born: God’s Gife of Life

This simple-concept illustrated children’s book communicates the living relationship between God and every child, from the moment of each child’s conception. Encourage interaction between parents and children that reinforces the truth that God made them alive from their beginning.

More Information

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