Disaster Response

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

LCMS Disaster Response is a ministry of presence rich with God’s mercy and Word of life. It serves the thousands of individuals and families all over the world who are suffering from loss in the wake of disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires and tornadoes. It also provides an opportunity for the church to be visibly active in reaching out in mercy to serve the hurting and homeless with physical and spiritual care.


Resources Available

Mercy in Action: A Guide for Pastors in the Midst of Disaster

This resource for pastors, for use before, during, and after a disaster, answers the question of “why” and “how” a church should respond in love with Christ’s mercy during extraordinary times of disaster and tragedy. To request a copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@LCMS.org.

Mercy in Action: A Guide for Educators in the Midst of Disaster

This resource for school leaders, for use before, during and after a disaster, answers the question of “why” and “how” a school should respond in love with Christ’s mercy during extraordinary times of disaster and tragedy. To request a copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

The Lord’s Mercy Endures Forever: 40 Daily Devotions of God’s Comfort

This pocket-sized booklet leads the reader through 40 daily devotions that provide comfort during a time of suffering or tragedy. Each devotion consists of a short Scripture reading, a reflection on that passage, a corresponding prayer and hymn verses. To request a printed copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

Bringing God’s Comfort and Peace in Tragedy

This easy reference guide is intended for volunteers or others who may be looking for a few appropriate scripture passages, blessings and prayers to share with individuals in the wake of a disaster. To request a printed trifold copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

Spiritual Care Companion for Times of Disaster

This thorough companion is for any spiritual care giver who spends more than a few minutes talking with victims. It includes extensive scripture readings, hymns, prayers and blessings. To request a printed copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

Trusting in His Love

This little booklet addresses the question of why bad things happen and where comfort can be found when they do occur. The booklet’s size and accessibility to lay people make it especially useful when distributed throughout an area affected by disaster. To request a printed copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

Mercy Essays Series

Within these essays, Christians will also be encouraged to engage in active, joyful lives of mercy in their own homes, work places, congregations and communities. 

Church Workers’ Quick Reference Guide for Disasters and Pandemics

This easy reference guide is intended for volunteers or others who may be looking for a few appropriate scripture passages, blessings and prayers to share with individuals in the wake of a disaster. To request a printed copy, email LCMS Disaster Response at Disaster@lcms.org.

Congregational Planning for Pandemics

This resource aids pastors and congregational leaders to address the congregation’s needs in time of a pandemic. It covers topics of basic preparations for communication, worship, pastoral care, leadership and community outreach.

Disaster Response in Rural & Small Town Mission

Rev. Michael Meyer, director of LCMS Disaster Training presented a webinar on April 21st, 2022.

More Information

See Also


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