Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia

Euthanasia, commonly known as assisted suicide, is the decision to intentionally cause the death of a person who is ill. Those who support euthanasia ignore the value that God gives to all human lives and that He alone chooses the day of our natural death. Christians care for everyone and provide mercy throughout all of life including during illness and suffering. Through the life-giving Word of God, assisted suicide, Satan and his culture of death are defeated.


Resources Available

The Christian Response to Assisted Suicide

This small book, containing reprints of articles originally published in various LCMS Life Ministry newsletters, provides readers with a theological and practical understanding of assisted suicide and how Christians are to respond in societies that insist there is a “right to die” that allows for legalized euthanasia.

I Will Grieve for the Suicide

In this book, the Rev. Peter Preus provides Gospel comfort for those who are left behind after a Christian commits suicide. He addresses the stigma, psychology and theology of suicide, as well as the grieving process that follows it, and the hope Christians can find in Christ.

LCMS Life Library: Euthanasia

For your convenience and education, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life Ministry has assembled an online collection of papers, articles and information on euthanasia. The free resources were chosen for their insight and to benefit your research. However, due to the variety of sources, not all of the views expressed are necessarily those of the LCMS. Please read with discretion and discuss any questions with your pastor.

A Biblical Response to Suicide

Available from CPH, this series offers brief and easy-to-read summaries of important cultural topics for people who want to know what God’s Holy Word says about cultural issues that touch our lives.

More Information

See Also


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