Gender Issues

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

Genesis clearly states that God created male and female (Genesis 1:27). As Christians, we know that we have a triune God of order—One who has not only intentionally created us but has also redeemed us, body and soul. While we live in a society that preaches and embraces the mottos of “you do you” and “be whomever and whatever you want”, the Christian finds his identity first in Holy Baptism and as a created child of God.

These resources seek to offer a biblical understanding and foundation of identity, sexuality, and gender. In a world that is more fluid than ever, these resources teach how we as Christians can respond to these issues using a biblical framework of Law and Gospel.


Resources Available

A Biblical Response to Transgenderism

Available from CPH, this series offers brief and easy-to-read summaries of important cultural topics for people who want to know what God’s Holy Word says about cultural issues that touch our lives.

In the Image of God: Gender & Sexual

Available from CPH, this little book, geared toward youth and sold in packs of 20, gives you the answers you need to approach questions about gender and sexuality from a godly, loving perspective.

Male & Female: Embracing Your Role in God’s Design

Available from CPH, this is not a book written to defend “traditional” values or to lay out a set of superficial behaviors for “godly men and women.” This book is rather to discover the biblical framework for masculinity and femininity so that we can apply it in our lives and relationships.

The Creator’s Tapestry

Scriptural perspectives on man-woman relationships in marriage and the church: a report of the Commision on Theology and Church Relations LCMS.

Gender Identity Disorder or Gender Dysphoria in Christian Perspective

This report provides theological reflection on the topic of sexual identity and suggestions for pastoral care.

More Information

See Also


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