Helps for Elders

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

In many congregations of the LCMS, the pastor is assisted by a board of laymen called “elders” (sometimes “deacons”). They help him with wise counsel and correction and serve the congregation by giving special attention to the spiritual life of the congregation. They are often the wisest and most responsible leaders in the congregation. The following resources are especially valuable for building this wisdom so that elders may be an ever greater asset to pastor and to parish life.


Resources Available

Built on the Rock: The Healthy Congregation

Ted Kober, an expert in Christ-centered reconciliation, offers church leaders and members an effective prescription for building and sustaining healthy congregations. After first defining what “healthy” means, Kober explores fundamental concepts that help churches identify the root cause of their condition and regain church health.

Servant Leadership: Setting Leaders Free

A Christ-centered and Bible-based book, this resource encourages church professionals and lay leaders to develop servant leadership traits in order to improve the day-to-day ministry of the congregation and its ability to serve God’s people. 

Pastors and Elders: Caring for the Church and One Another

A twenty-one-year veteran of the pastoral office, author Timothy Mech defines the roles and responsibilities of each position, outlines where authority should lie, and provides recommendations of how to build trust and accountability within the congregation. This training manual includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter, along with helpful resources, such as sample meeting agendas, reports, templates for congregational letters, and much more.

More Information

See Also

  • Helps for Ushers
  • Helps for Council/BOD Members
  • Helps for Treasurers & Financial Secretaries

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