Health & Well Being

Photo by Erik M. Lunsford/The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

The scope of health and wellbeing extends beyond the physical health of one’s body. Health and wellbeing, in a Christian view, involves the whole person: mental, emotional, relational, vocational, intellectual, financial, physical and spiritual wellness. As a creation of God, and stewards of that same creation, we are entrusted to take care of our bodies, souls, and minds. Taking care of oneself is not a selfish act, but rather, a carrying out of stewardship and vocation. Given that Christians are also the Body of Christ, it is our vocation, as brothers and sisters, to aid in taking care of others as well as ourselves. The following resources give people tools to better take care of their own health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of their fellow family in Christ.  


Resources Available

Church Worker Wellness Resources

This collection of resources is curated by the LCMS for its Church Workers. These articles give insight, support, and resources for workers to faithfully serve while being stewards of their own bodies as well.  

Health Ministry Resources

A collection of resources to help for the care of congregation and church worker alike, along with information on parish nurses and nursing programs.  

A Lutheran Perspective on Well-Being 

This booklet contains a collection of papers on different aspects of well-being; intellectual, emotional, vocational, congregational, physical, financial, relational, and spiritual.

Ways to Show your Gratitude and Support for Church Workers

Here are some suggestions for ways to show your gratitude and support for your pastors, teachers, church musicians, deaconesses and other church workers.

The Coffee Hour – Church Worker Wellness Series 

On these KFUO Radio archives, Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth talk various guests on topics related to Worker Wellness.

More Information

See Also


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